EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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Event-driven supply chains will unleash real potential
Cloud-based business networks are ushering in a new era of highly agile event-driven architectures in which ecosystems of transactions, processes and fulfillment are created automatically, triggered by an individual buying signal. Dynamic inventory management is a prime example of this, with inventory threshold changes triggering sourcing or selling actions, similar to stock exchange algorithmic trading. Cloud-native technologies are particularly well suited to fulfil this business use case, thanks to their ability to deal with real-time data streamed via application programming interfaces (APIs).
Another example of a powerful event-driven architecture can be built around a consumer’s decision to purchase a new car. This decision would trigger a comprehensive list of associated processes, each essential to delivering customer satisfaction. A customer would research and select their vehicle and options, finance their purchase, the dealership would need to source the vehicle from the manufacturer, it would then be licensed, insurance would need to be purchased and the vehicle finally delivered. In our current world, each of these processes is typically managed in isolation, with many potential points of failure, and customer experience varying greatly.