Rafał Hummel
Building long-term value requires reliable communication with various stakeholder groups. Financial reporting is the base, non-financial information such as ESG is becoming crucial.

Rafał Hummel

EY Poland, Audit, Partner

Leader of the ESG reporting group and US Desk in Audit. Enthusiast of travelling, Asian cuisine and red wine. He plays tennis and has been a fan of the NBA basketball league since he was a child.

Rafał is a Partner in EY Polska that leads Climate Change and Sustainability Services – a team specializing in supporting client with ESG strategies, ESG reporting and ESG attestation services.

He has 20 years of professional experience gained at EY on the Polish market, with several years spent in EY practice in the Silicon Valley. Rafal has managed large, international financial audits in Poland, United States and Central Europe region. He gained extensive experience working for clients from various industries including real estate, construction, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, technology and retail sectors. Since 2015, Rafal leads the ESG Reporting team and supports clients with ESG strategies, ESG reporting and ESG attestation services.  

Rafał is a graduate of the University of Warsaw, specializing in financial management. He has the qualifications of a certified auditor.

How does Rafał implement EY's mission: "building a better working world"?

Throughout his career as a financial auditor, Rafał has tried to share with clients the experience gained on the Polish and American markets and to bring value in the area of financial reporting and related internal control.

Rafał's mission for the coming years is to further grow the team supporting clients in building ESG strategies, measuring and reporting their progress in order to minimize climate risks for the benefit of all of us.

Contact Rafał