Dorota Pokrop

EY Polska, Tax Consulting, Partner

Head of the Indirect Tax Team at EY Polska and Regional Leader for Indirect Tax (CESA)

Dorota has over 18 years of experience in advising on VAT, customs, excise and corporate income tax. 

Dorota's experience includes projects regarding digitization of indirect taxes (e.g. mapping of tax codes, solutions for SAP and other ERP systems responding to the challenges related to indirect taxes). Dorota represents clients before tax authorities and courts (including the Court of Justice of the European Union).

Dorota has overall responsibility for customer relations and a comprehensive tax offer for large international clients (e.g. Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, Daimler, BASF, Michelin, Goodyear, Bridgestone).

She has been involved in cross-border projects both as a team member and as a team leader. 

Moreover, Dorota is the author of numerous press publications on Polish and international tax systems and a co-author of commentaries to the VAT directive and Polish VAT law.

Dorota is also a lecturer at tax conferences and a lecturer of postgraduate studies in taxation (2021-2020 - Warsaw School of Economics, 2019 - Lazarski University).

She was awarded four times in the ranking for the Best Tax Advisor prize (VAT) in the leading nationwide Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (2017 - 2020).

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