6 minute read 15 Jul 2022
Picture of Business people in meeting

How can we leverage behavior to build the desired workplace?

By Mareike Bönninger

Manager, People Advisory Services, EY Sweden

Passionate about people and organizations creating a sustainable environment for people to perform and be their very best. German that came to Sweden for studies, but still here after 10+ years.

6 minute read 15 Jul 2022
Related topics Workforce

Organizations need to build the right behavioral model to shape the desired working world of the future and regain balance post pandemic.

In brief

  • Organizations need to build a steadfast behavioral strategy that can be the beacon of light for other pillars of the hybrid workplace, bricks and bytes.
  • Organizations must first understand the culture they have, identify the gaps in behavior, and understand what they really want it to be.
  • We must redesign the HR policies to recruit, train and retain the right talent and adopt an iterative approach to building the Workplace of the Future.

Traditionally, the working world was built on imperishable foundations. But as of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic permanently stamped “expired” on these traditional working styles. Not only were we challenged to adapt to the new normal overnight, but we were not equipped with the tools needed to maneuver in this strange journey. However, many of us managed hitting a reset button on the traditional methods of working, to find our equilibrium in the chaos.

But did we succeed in rebuilding the foundation of the future workplace that holds a permanent course of action to the current uncertainty? Are our people thinking, feeling and behaving well in this new hybrid working model?

In this article, let us discuss how organizations can help their employees adapt the new “behavior” of the new normal.

Why is it important to focus on behavior?

“Behavior” is a powerful word when we deal with reimagining the workplace. In addition to being the foundation of the corporate strategy, behavior also influences the culture of the entire organization. The behavior of our employees can be measured in terms of self-leadership — how do they behave with their counterparts? Are they uplifting or demotivating others?

Essentially, the behavior of employees can make or break an organization. Therefore, while you reinvent a workplace suitable for your people, in addition to focusing on the physical office (or bricks) and technological needs (or bytes), it is vital to consider the “behavior” aspect of the hybrid working model.

Aside from that, behavior is at the crux of the Workplace of the Future model because it influences both bricks and bytes. Once you establish the behavioral aspects of the place of work, you can begin to redesign them for bricks and bytes.

In essence, when the three Bs (bricks, bytes and behavior) of the Workplace of the Future advance together, they can build workplace cohesion, foster fruitful relations between teams, strengthen the employee’s trust in their employer, and motivate employees to help build an uplifting culture.

How can organizations recover from the behavioral blockage?

We need to start from the future back. Firstly, we must clearly define the behavioral strategy we wish to attain, which means we have to involve the right people and take well-measured steps.

To achieve that, we depend on knowing what kind of talent we wish to attract and retain. This is where HR’s strategic workforce planning process comes into effect. This process looks at the competencies the organizations will need now and in the future, and offers directions to the suitable talent pool. And while we recruit the desired talent, we must understand what they want and if flexibility is essential for them. Otherwise, we risk losing the strategic talent.

EY Work Reimagines Employee Survey 2021


employees want flexibility in where and when they work.

Next, we need to improve our ability to understand, predict and influence the behavior of people and teams to succeed in the Workplace of the Future. Balancing different perspectives, employee demands and expectations, while understanding teams’ and organizational needs is crucial. However, creating a team that works together to build an effective corporate behavior strategy is the hardest part.

It is key to have an explorative mindset and involve your organization in deciding, experimenting and revising the behavior model.
Mareike Bönninger
Manager, People Advisory Services, EY Sweden

We should lead with a consistent message of where we, as an organization, are going and why. We must:

  • Develop a clear understanding of the current behaviors

  • Find out what people want and expect from work

  • Engage employees in establishing a shared view of the future

  • Ensure that the behavior strategy is aligned with the business strategy

  • Build a roadmap to successful strategy

  • Build persuasiveness into your communications strategy and new ways of working, to reinforce the desired behavior change

  • Align performance management, training, incentives and rewards to support the change in behavior

  • Brand your strategy so people can connect to it and spread it organically

And finally, be patient. Improving behavioral outcomes takes time. One pilot will rarely change everything, nor does one blueprint strategy fit all organizations. It’s more often an iterative process of testing, refining, testing, and refining again.

To conclude

Although the working world has experienced forced tectonic shifts due to the pandemic, there are ways to rebuild a secure Workplace of the Future. You can engineer this feat by aligning the dominant factor, behavior, with other supporting elements: bricks and bytes. Toward that end, you must inspire your people to act as leaders in their roles and communities, encourage each other to cultivate the cultural shifts we are aiming for, and invest in retaining the right talent your organization needs. In this manner, you will create a culture that not only supports the business’s long-term interests, but also is building a better working world for the future!


Organizations must act fast to lock in the right talent now more than ever before. It is necessary to transform the workplace to accommodate flexibility. And to build a suitable hybrid workplace, we must align behavior, bricks and bytes together. Companies should lead with a consistent message of where the organization is headed and why. They should involve the right people in every step, keep testing and refining their strategy until they reach the desired results. These steps can assist the organization in developing a strategy around behavior that works for them.

About this article

By Mareike Bönninger

Manager, People Advisory Services, EY Sweden

Passionate about people and organizations creating a sustainable environment for people to perform and be their very best. German that came to Sweden for studies, but still here after 10+ years.
