Public relations is all about the relations between a company and the public. You cannot opt out of such relations, thus you should try to make them really good.

Frithjov Angel Nerby

Nordic Brand Concepts and Reputation Leader, EY Norway

Public relations is all about the relations between a company and the public. You cannot opt out of such relations, thus you should try to make them really good.

Frithjov has previously worked at an international PR agency and is experienced with communications for a variety of companies, ranging from local businesses to global corporations. He is an expert in crisis communications, strategic communications and executive profiling. He has a master’s degree in strategy and change management from The Norwegian School of Economics. In addition, Frithjov is passionate about sustainability, gaming and rock n’ roll. 

How Frithjov is building a better working world

I believe in good relations. Good relations between the company and the public, good relations between the working world of today and the working world of tomorrow. Public Relations (PR) is all about these relations. My job is to nurture them, and that is achieved through great communication.

I would like to quote Stephen Hawking (and thank Pink Floyd for the quote):

For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk.

Frithjov's latest thinking