Maximizing deal value through a direct approach in managing carve-outs, divestitures and deal integrations.

Elizabeth Kaske

EY Americas Strategy and Transactions Buy & Integrate Leader

Focused on mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and large-scale transformations. Mother, golfer, runner. Enjoys yoga, wakesurfing and global travel.

Areas of focus

Elizabeth is focused on M&A transactions and large-scale transformations. Her experience comprises M&A due diligence, integration, strategy, business process design and intellectual property management, supply chain, fraud and risk analysis, internal audit, and finance and accounting experience with Fortune 500 companies.

She is a Principal in the Strategy and Transactions (SaT) service line, and leads the Americas SaT Buy and Integrate Connected Capital Solution. She has extensive global experience leading large and diverse international teams in more than 40 countries and managing P&Ls up to $45m and transactions up to $39b. She is knowledgeable on leading practices and trends in the retail, technology, social media, entertainment and telecommunications sectors.

Elizabeth received her BSB in Accounting from the University of Minnesota and went on to receive her MBA from Northwestern.

How Elizabeth is building a better working world

"I am building a better working world with my clients and teams through a very candid and thoughtful approach in large-scale global transformations and transactions. At EY, we have a collaborative and inclusive culture that translates to high quality and diversity in thinking for our client teams and projects. My direct, positive and authentic leadership style creates confidence in our direction and efficiency in project delivery while maximizing transaction value."

Elizabeth’s latest thinking

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