Sector convergence is gaining pace
As the world adjusts for a new post-COVID-19 reality, some sectors have fared better than others in recovering from the impact of the pandemic. This uneven K-shaped recovery is pushing sectors to converge as they seek to survive the uncertainty.
The lines between sectors like telecommunications, media and health care were already blurring before the pandemic, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. For instance, smart health solutions were created by technology and health care players to offer patients ease of care. New digital ecosystems are connecting very different stakeholders, where governments, insurers, care providers, consumers and life sciences companies are now inextricably linked.
Corporates in affected industries will need to determine the impact of sector convergence on their operating environment, find ways to overcome challenges that emerge, and position themselves to capitalize on new opportunities.
Companies must reposition for growth
While it is imperative for corporates to consider the aforementioned key trends when developing a blueprint for growth, the right strategies will vary across industries: one size does not fit all.
However, companies from all sectors can reposition for growth amid the current economic dislocation. To do so, they need to transform existing businesses or transact through a divestment or acquisition. These proactive strategies — which are based on smart scenario-planning and a strong understanding of sector dynamics — as well as the changing market landscape will help these companies gain competitive strength and drive long-term success.
History has shown that making early and bold choices — particularly through acquisitions and divestments — can prove to be a successful strategy. Companies that moved with conviction to acquire or divest during crises had a significantly higher total shareholder return.
These firms’ cash flow may have taken an initial hit, but it greatly improved later. Adopting bold strategies during the current pandemic can result in the creation of competitive strength and long-term value that endures into the future.