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Analyze climate scenarios for robust risk assessment
Scenario analysis is important for companies to understand how future climate risks can potentially impact their business and supply chain activities, and should inform risk assessment, strategy formulation and investment decisions. Yet, only 17.2% of the organizations in Singapore assessed in the study are conducting scenario analysis. This is of concern, given that scenario analysis is perhaps the most critical aspect of the TCFD framework as it helps turn theories into tangible strategies.
Boards should mandate climate-related financial disclosures to be included in mainstream financial filings. Climate risk information should also be included in financial statement estimates and assumptions, including asset impairment models or asset depreciation models. So far, companies have had limited progress on this front.
Companies should also stress test their business models against the different climate scenarios. Depending on the level of climate risk disclosure, boards can then guide their organizations to move toward operating models, revenue streams and markets that are better positioned for a decarbonized economy, and wind down operations with high climate risk exposure.
With growing political will and public opinion pressuring businesses to tackle climate change urgently, a strong uptick in climate-related financial disclosures looks likely. Companies will be expected to assess and fully disclose the physical and financial risks that climate change poses to their assets. They will need to demonstrate a robust strategy that protects value and makes commercial sense in a decarbonized economy. Boards that can guide their organizations to respond nimbly in this way will help the business improve its operational resilience, expand its customer base, and maintain access to institutional capital.