Renato Camodeca

Renato Camodeca

Senior Advisor Claims & Disputes, Fraud Investigation & Insolvency - Forensic & Integrity Services

Certified Public Accountant and Statutory Auditor, Renato is enrolled in the Register of Expert Witness of the Court of Brescia.

Office Milano, IT

Associate Professor of the University of Brescia, Renato teaches Financial Statement Analysis and Extraordinary Business Transactions in the Master's Degree Programs in Management and in Business Consulting and Private Practice.

As Technical Consultant and Expert Witness, he has gained a deep experience in litigation and arbitration on accounting, financial statements, business valuation and extraordinary transactions.

As an Expert, he has taken on appraisal assignments to estimate the economic values of companies and shares subject to provision, sale or liquidation in cases of shareholder withdrawal.

Renato has also gained significant experience in corporate governance by holding positions as Member of Supervisory Board or Independent Director in listed and unlisted companies, banks and foundations.

Finally, Renato has a concrete knowledge of the problems of companies in crisis, holding positions as Attestor in restructuring and composition with creditors proceedings and taking on, upon appointment by the Court and the Ministry of Economic Development, the roles of curator and extraordinary commissioner of companies in extraordinary administration.

Contact Renato