Photographic image of Lisa Lindstroem
Innovation is all about staying in the problem longer than you feel comfortable.

Lisa Lindström

EY EMEIA Consulting Chief Experience Officer, Co-founder Doberman

Co-founder of Doberman, now part of EY. Known for unorthodox methods for design, digitalization, customer experience, and innovation. A true change-maker.

Lisa joined EY Consulting in May 2020 to continue the journey toward customer centricity, and bring the power of design and innovation to EY clients.

Prior to joining EY, Lisa led the design and innovation firm Doberman. Under her leadership, Doberman was named one of Sweden's most innovative companies, as well as the best digital agency and best place to work. 

As a distinguished innovator and entrepreneur, Lisa has received the Royal Patriotic Society's Enterprise Medal and has served as an industry advisor to the government as well as chairman of the Swedish Education Broadcasting Company.

Lisa frequently lectures on innovation, digital transformation, design and leadership for change, sharing her perspectives on daring to meet new challenges in a changing world. 

How Lisa is building a better working world

“I believe that a better working world comes from co-creating the solutions needed and, to a large degree, by employee empowerment.

I try to foster a culture of innovation everywhere I go. To do that, one must remember that innovation does not come from the rational way of doing things, but from connecting dots in new ways. Therefore, it is important to me to create safe arenas where people dare to take big leaps, explore the unknown, and where they know that the organization has got their back if they fail.

I do this by saying yes way more than I say no, and showing my trust by trusting the people around me.”

Contact Lisa