It was supposed to be better than Avatar. Well no.

¿Was it the passion? Was it because of the none-theatrical name “Mari Carmen”? Was it the lack of acting classes in business and engineering school?

Well one thing’s for sure: for Agar, if there is someone who should plead guilty, it’s not him.

  • Director: Alberto Utrera (MoA Studio)
  • Executive producers: Goyo Panadero, Jose Luis Risco, Lucia Jaquotot and Francisco González
  • Development teams: Inmaculada Vela, Carlota Jiménez de Andrade and Marta Cacho
  • Associate producers: Aleix Álvarez and Ivet Molina
  • Cast: Paco Churruca, África San Esteban, Alicia Nieto, Ferran Arlandis, Lourdes Jódar and Silvia López-Palomino.
  • Screenwriters: Carlos Soria