Sustainability Awards

For the fourth year in a row, we honor remarkable Danish companies that lead the way with ambitious goals, transformations, and innovative solutions across the ESG agenda.

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With Sustainability Awards Dansk Erhverv and EY honour those companies which work strategically and innovatively with sustainability. At the same time, we wish to gather Danish business leaders who have an influence on the sustainability of the future and contribute to meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Climate Goals. 

We are proud that, for the forth year in a row, we can celebrate the outstanding companies with Sustainability Awards who take responsibility, make a difference, and lead the way in the necessary green transition.
Brian Mikkelsen
CEO of Dansk Erhverv

The Sustainability Awards comprise four award categories aimed at Danish companies’ efforts to create value in society and to establish good and exemplary practices in the field. 

To find the right winners we will conduct in-depth interviews with the strongest applicants. Based on these interviews and the companies’ work within sustainability and responsibility, the independent jury will decide who wins the Value Chain Award, the Environmental Award and the Climate Change Award. The Special Price for Long Term Value Creation is given away by Dansk Erhverv and EY and you cannot apply for this award.

The jury

Meet the independent jury (in Danish).

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With Sustainability Awards, we once again shine a spotlight on the companies that work strategically, innovatively, and transformatively with sustainability – an area that is more crucial than ever for long-term value creation for businesses.
Jan C. Olsen
Adm. direktør og Country Managing Partner for EY Danmark og leder af Assurance i Danmark. Medlem af EY's Regional Leadership Team

Criteria for Sustainability Awards

Sustainability Awards are for Danish companies which fulfil the criteria for one or more of the awards that are given away. It is also a requirement that the company has presented financial statements for a minimum of three years and reported on corporate social responsibility at least once as an integrated report, independent sustainability report or CSR report, etc.

About the awards

  • Value Chain Award

    The award is given to a company that, through active ownership of its value chain, takes responsibility for achieving significant goals on the ESG agenda. For instance, the company might collaborate with actors in the value chain or establish strategic partnerships that move the company's activities in a more sustainable direction.The effort is anchored in good governance and is reflected in, for example, specific requirements or clear goals for suppliers or partners in relation to, in particular, due diligence, risks of human rights violations, talent attraction, education, and corruption, but also environmental degradation or climate improvements, among others. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the company's work with its value chain has led to verifiable results and improvements. 

  • Environment Award

    This award is given to a company that consciously and ambitiously works with the business's impact on key natural and environmental areas. The award is given for one specific environmental initiative that has helped to reduce or restore the company's negative impact on nature and the environment - preferably through innovation and a novel approach. It could be through the transition to more environmentally friendly production or consumption, transition to increased circularity, reduced resource consumption, reduced pollution, initiatives aimed at biodiversity and ecosystems, among others. With the initiative, the company can document initial results and effects that have created positive gains for nature and the environment and reduced the company's footprint in the area. The focus here is on Danish frontrunners who can help inspire and mature the field.


  • Climate Change Award

    The award is given to a company that distinguishes itself in its climate efforts by setting ambitious and validated goals for the reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions. The award is aimed at companies in all sectors. Emphasis is placed on a long-term and strategically anchored plan and effort to meet the validated goals that include the company's full value chain, and which will move the company in a markedly more climate-friendly direction. Through its impactful climate efforts, the company has already reduced its total greenhouse gas emissions and can document a clear effect of its implemented climate initiatives across scope 1, 2, and 3.

  • Special Prize for Long Term Value Creation

    The Special Prize for Long-Term Value Creation is awarded to a company that excels over time or in a special way in the field of sustainability.

    This prize cannot be applied for.


At EY we help the business community with the sustainable transition and make sustainability good business.

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