Private business board members

We support private board of directors members by providing insights, tools and analysis on the issues and trends impacting their business.
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Our latest thinking

How can you adapt your IPO strategy in a dynamic market?

The EY Global IPO Trends Q2 2024 covers the news and insights on the global, area and regional IPO markets for the first half of 2024. Learn more.

How to unlock business growth by putting customers at the center

To thrive in challenging market conditions, entrepreneurial businesses are building deep and enduring relationships with their customers. Learn more.

Are you harnessing the growth and resilience of private capital?

Private capital markets have been outperforming equities, offering investors opportunities of higher yields and portfolio diversification. Learn more.

How to capitalize on the power of technology as a driver of growth

Technology is an important driver of growth for private enterprises. Find out how they are building their digital and cyber capabilities.

Why competitive private businesses are transforming their tax function

For private businesses transforming their tax functions at a time of global flux, co-sourcing may be a valuable part of the solution. Learn more.

The Board Imperative: Champion CROs to boost risk governance and growth

Boards can bolster resilience, seize new opportunities and create long-term value by collaborating with and further empowering their CRO. Learn more.

    Webcast: What boards can do to support a future-ready strategy

    This webcast explores how boards can help support a strategy that adequately focuses on the future while addressing past and present stakeholder concerns on our US page.

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