Petros L. Liassides

EY Cyprus, Tax, Partner

Basketball fan and a dedicated father of two.

Petros is currently leading the Tax Quality & Risk Management team in Cyprus, ensuring compliance with both local and EY's policies and procedures.

He joined EY Cyprus in 2000 and has been acting in an executive capacity since 2008 while leading the Direct Tax team in the Nicosia office.

At the moment, Petros is Chairman of the Tax Committee of ICPAC. Previously he has chaired the Institute’s Corporate Governance and Internal Audit Committee and served the Audit and Accounting Standards Committee.

Throughout his career, Petros has developed an interest in the provision of accounting, taxation, compliance, assurance as well as transaction support services. Prior to specialising in the provision of direct tax-related services, Petros gained extensive experience in auditing IFRS financial statements of local and multinational organisations.

Petros holds a BA Hon’s degree in Accounting & Finance from the University of Essex and is a U.K. trained and qualified Chartered Accountant. Also, he is a Fellow Member (FCA) of ICAEW and a member of ICPAC since 1996.

How Petros is building a better working world

"My aim is to develop strong teams, provide high-quality services and give long term value to our clients.

Through my role, I am actively supporting the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Department in Cyprus, in improving legislations and practices to ultimately make Cyprus a more competitive country for business investments while improving administration logistics to refine the tax economic environment and tax payers experience."

Petros's latest thinking

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