4 minute read 5 Nov 2021

Having a project management methodology, when implemented in the right way, will boost your digital transformation.

Why every company would benefit from an in-house project management methodology

Anne Moreau

EY Belgium Consulting Executive Director

Really passionate in steering International Company's complex transformation or strategical changes.

Celine Rossavik

EY Belgium Consulting Manager

On a mission to create empowered teams and deliver remarkable technology projects.

4 minute read 5 Nov 2021

Having a project management methodology, when implemented in the right way, will boost your digital transformation.

In brief

  • Project management is much broader than keeping the project triangle (time, budget, scope) on track.

  • Choose the methodology that fits your company needs and your culture.

  • To truly make your digital transformation work for you, a TMO (transformation management office) can lift it to a higher level.

Project management has become a buzzword nowadays. In each business conversation, we hear plenty of project management methodology names such as Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, Lean, etc. But, in practice, do companies really know what it is about, how to apply those methodologies and do companies effectively use them?

EY Survey


of executives reported that their clients have a project management methodology.

When conducting a survey with 100+ EY Belgium senior executives, we found that only 20% of executives reported that their clients have a project management methodology. Moreover, the survey indicated that most of the project management tasks are taken up by externals, who in most cases propose their own project management methodology. Those external consultants will then monitor the scope, budget, planning and manage risks and issues in the interest of the client.

Therefore, while project management and more transversal functions become increasingly important to enable companies to be more flexible and successfully achieve their technology transformation in today’s fast-changing world, it is not always obvious for companies which methodology to apply, how to tailor it to their needs and how to apply it within the organization.

In this article, we want to zoom in on what project management methodology entails and why this is very important to implement and run within each organization embarking on a technology transformation.

Tailored project management methodologies, the holy grail for your company's health

Project management methodology involves guidelines, practices, techniques and procedures understood and followed within the organization. Different project management methodologies exist today with different levels of agility. For example, some (like Agile) simply define principles. Some (Prince2 for example) define a complete framework of principles and processes. Others are lighter and only define processes (like Scrum).

Why is a project management methodology important for your company?

Choosing and using a common project management methodology is important for every company. It will ensure the usual project triangle (time, budget, scope) is on track, is aligned with the initial expectations and is reported properly at a defined frequency. But, behind this, it will also give a direction and ensure a strategic alignment by establishing a clear plan on achieving business goals. A standardized methodology also enables harmonized cross-project and program analysis.

A project management methodology will help to ensure the right people are allocated to the right activities according to their expertise/domains and at the right time. This will enable companies to break down siloes by opening the discussion between different ‘interdependent’ teams who will learn from each other, encourage and motivate each other. Always using a standardized methodology also means that your teams don’t have to start from scratch for each project. You don’t need to re-invent the wheel, hence, you can become more efficient and mature as an organization.

Choose the methodology that fits your company needs and your culture

There are many ways to deliver projects, through different project management methodologies. All of them provide structure to the way you deliver projects. Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you want to adopt full-fletch Agile, Scrum, Prince2, or any other methodology or a combination of everything – if it works for you.

Indeed, what is important is to choose one common methodology for the whole company, stick to it and apply it. To make it work, you need to choose a methodology that preserves the culture of the people and the structure of the company in mind.

Also, as seen in our EY survey on 100+ executives, what is important when choosing your methodology for project management is to consider the following attitudes and skills that, according to our senior executives, ensure good project executions: flexibility in way of working, strong communication skills and focus on well-being.

Finally, it’s key that your employees understand the need and importance, in order to embrace your organization’s project management methodology. This will enable your organization to deliver your technology transformation within time, scope and budget. Moreover, within your organization, after every project, it’s crucial to think back and reflect on how a project was run. This will allow you to discover points for improvement to further tailor and enrich your methodology.

Implementing a TMO for your digital transformation

We went into detail on why and how you implement a standard project management methodology, but we know it’s harder than it sounds. During a digital transformation, it’s very important that all stakeholders are aligned and well managed. Implementing and using the correct project management methodology is a crucial start to ensure the success of your transformation. But, to truly make your transformation work for you, a TMO (transformation management office) can lift it to a higher level. A TMO is the backbone of your project, and it goes further than choosing the right methodology for you. It governs the methodology, the progress and the quality while keeping in mind your end goal: a successful digital implementation. A TMO is your trusted partner during your most challenging transformation.

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Project management is much broader than keeping the project triangle (time, budget, scope) on track. When projects are managed according to a proper known methodology, and this methodology is effectively used within the organization, there are positive impacts beyond the project itself. It enables transversality and breaks silos via establishing links between teams and giving a common vision.

Therefore, a well-structured PMO (project management office) or TMO (transformation management office) is a crucial start to create a backbone for every project and program to come. Setting it up for the first time might be challenging and demanding. However, once it’s set up, you and your organization will benefit from it for years. Combining all that together, your transformation journey is heading to a great destination.

About this article

Anne Moreau

EY Belgium Consulting Executive Director

Really passionate in steering International Company's complex transformation or strategical changes.

Celine Rossavik

EY Belgium Consulting Manager

On a mission to create empowered teams and deliver remarkable technology projects.