
Per Grieg jr., Chairman of the Board, Grieg Seafood ASA

Although 70% of the earth is covered by water, only 2% of our food comes from the sea. Per Grieg jr. is determined to change this statistic. When he was 35, Per founded Norwegian Salmon, which later became Grieg Seafood. Today, it is the seventh largest fish farming company in the world, with a listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange and a turnover of US$890m in 2018.

Per has been an early pioneer in sustainable fish farming. He believes that healthy fish, clean seas and economic profit are not contradictions. Grieg Seafood is now investing heavily in digitalization to make production more sustainable and efficient. Advanced sensor systems, big data, artificial intelligence and automation will improve fish welfare, reduce environmental impact, and increase yield and resource efficiency.

The company is grateful to its almost 800 employees and is working hard to give back to the community. Through the Grieg Foundation, part of the company’s profit is used to support nonprofit organizations. Grieg Seafood also strives to support gender equality in a male-dominated industry — it climbed to eighth place on the SHE Index for 2019.

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