
David Darmanin, CEO, Hotjar Ltd.

David Darmanin was a conversion rate consultant in digital marketing when he noticed that clients needed better, simpler software to analyze their website users.

He and three colleagues founded Hotjar, a powerful software tool now used by 400,000 sites worldwide. Hotjar provides both analysis and feedback so clients can improve their sites and conversion rates. In a crowded sector, David believes that Hotjar stands out because his team has taken the time to understand their customers while keeping the product simple. The company also prides itself on being agile enough to implement changes quickly.

The company has witnessed constant growth since its launch in 2015 and now employs a remote workforce of over 70 employees. David believes that the remote working environment gives him time for family and travel. But it’s also enabled him to hire some of the best people in the world as opposed to being limited by location.

Today Hotjar team members work across 17 different countries as they strive to fulfill Hotjar’s ultimate vision: “to democratize site analytics and feedback by making it affordable and accessible to everyone.”

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