Przemyslaw Gacek

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Class of 2024, Poland
CEO of Grupa Pracuj

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Przemyslaw Gacek is revolutionizing work with one of the largest HR technology firms in Europe.

In 2000, Przemysław Gacek saw an opportunity to transform how young people found jobs in Poland. With internet use limited to 14% of the population at the time, job searches in his home country typically were conducted by browsing newspaper listings.  

With four colleagues, Przemysław launched a job board and recruitment website aimed at Polish students and recent graduates. Today, Grupa Pracuj is one of Poland’s largest public companies and a leading provider of technological solutions for employee recruitment, retention and development in several European countries. 

Operating a job classifieds board and a SaaS-based talent acquisition suite, Grupa Pracuj plays a pivotal role in matching employers with candidates by aligning their skills, education and aspirations with the role that allows them to realize their full potential. In 2006, the company moved into the digital recruitment market in Ukraine. After debuting on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 2021, the firm expanded to Western Europe the following year. In 2023, Grupa Pracuj facilitated 85 million job applications and served almost 110,000 clients.  

For Przemysław, entrepreneurship has been a deeply personal journey that has exposed him to diverse cultures and perspectives. An active investor, he has supported dozens of companies worldwide, including several that achieved unicorn status. Outside of the C-suite, he is an avid sailor whose team won the 2023 5.5 Metre world title.  

We are constantly working on innovative solutions and testing many technological possibilities that allow for the best possible match between employer and employee.