The company’s story began in 1979, when Zdravko’s father Anton decided to embark on an independent entrepreneurial journey with the support of his wife Ivica. “Before that, he worked as a locksmith, but he found his niche as distributor of a company that marketed beekeeping equipment, which did not exist in Yugoslavia back then, since import opportunities were limited. There were enough orders and enough work for the entire family,” remembers Zdravko.
Unfortunately, however, this opportunity did not last, since the market collapsed when Yugoslavia disintegrated. As a result, the Logar family instantly lost all their orders. “It was a huge shock for my father, since he had to fire all eight of his employees. We were facing a challenge, since nobody knew if we would still have the possibility to make a living with our business,” explains Zdravko. Luckily, the Austrians invited them to a fair during that period and some buyers were interested in their products. These buyers, however, were mostly focused on quality, which was sometimes pushed aside in Yugoslavia. “All of a sudden, quality became the main characteristic of our products. In the beginning, we were selling in Austria but soon after, demand for different products began growing in Slovenia as well.”
In the mid-1990s, they also began producing stainless steel containers for storing wine and juices, which coincided nicely with the beekeeping season. As they were regularly present at beekeeping trade fairs, they continuously learned about new foreign markets and their demands, with the main breakthroughs being their show at the World Beekeeping Conference in Switzerland, where they acquired their first German buyers, and Slovenia’s entry to the EU. “Before that, customs formalities were the deal-breaker for our buyers,” explains Mateja. Nowadays, they export 80% of their products, mostly to Germany and Austria, but Logar products are used by amateur and professional beekeepers in more than 40 countries all over the world.