This is the moment for deep and rapid change, in how we think and do business. Systematic, accountable and authentic governance is key to any succesful transformation.

Hildegunn Sandal

Nordic CSRD, Sustainability Risk and Governance lead, Consulting, EY Norway

Passionate about helping businesses succeed with their sustainability transformation. Enjoys deep conversations, concrete solutions and long runs. Married, with two wonderful daughters.

Hildegunn is the Nordic lead for CSRD, sustainability risk and governance in Consulting. She helps clients with CSRD implementation and transformation of governance structures to drive sustainable value creation and reporting.

She has worked with strategy implementation, governance and sustainability for the past 12 years.

She has a Ph.D. in management control and a Master of Science in economics and business administration, both from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

How Hildegunn is building a better working world

"Hildegunn has contributed to more systematic and holistic governance, in industry and consulting roles. She has helped drive the conversation about effective management and corporate governance. The last couple of years she has dedicated her time to train and help companies implement CSRD, in order to transform to a new paradigm of corporate accountability and value creation."

Hildegunn's latest thinking

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