The most relevant and complex issue is the one that we have not identified. There are no reasons not to find it.

Asbjørn Ler

Partner in Assurance, EY Norway

30 years of experience in auditing and related professional services, working with companies from a range of sizes and various sectors.

Areas of focus

Asbjørn is State Authorized Public Accountant from Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen and Chartered Accountant from NTNU Business School in Trondheim. He has carried out several leadership programs and client handling executive programs over the last 15 years.

Asbjørn has more than 30 years of experience in the business and started in Andersen in 1991, which merged with EY in 2002. He has been involved in audit and related professional services with companies in various business, sectors and of different sizes, and has headed audit of larger national companies as well as companies with significant international business. Through this he has gained broad experience in complex accounting and tax issues, transactions and acquisitions, divestments and restructuring activities. Asbjørn has deep knowledge about IPO and corporate finance, and broad experience of internal control and corporate governance issues.

He has had several leadership roles in Assurance, amongst other Head of Nordic Assurance Practice and Nordic Assurance Market Leader. 

How Asbjørn is building a better working world

Asbjørn builds a better working world by bringing together clients and professionals from EY to form a team that together can solve some of the most complex accounting, audit, tax and internal control issues that can be identified. By such a cooperation model we all ensure learning, experience and involvement.

In addition, he shares his knowledge by publishing articles, as well as giving lectures on accounting issues for the real estate industry and in respect of revenue recognition issues.

Asbjørn's latest thinking

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