
This time of economic disruption is also a time of opportunity. Look ahead through a new, transformative lens, to reframe your future and help revive the global economy.

Our latest thinking

How has adversity become a springboard to growth?

The pandemic hastened the arrival of trends already on the leadership agenda. CEOs must seize this opportunity to transform or be left behind. Find out how.

How common metrics can drive long-term value creation

World Economic Forum’s International Business Council (WEF-IBC) metrics for sustainable value creation. Learn what every leader needs to know.

Three ways to improve your forecasting and scenario planning

New forecasting and scenario planning methods based on sound data analysis help businesses meet changing customer demands due to pandemic. Read more.

Are you reframing your future or is the future reframing you?

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust the global economy onto a new trajectory. EY Megatrends can help you understand where it’s heading. Learn more.

    Ready to reframe your future beyond COVID-19?

    This time of disruption is also a time of opportunity. Not just to rebuild, but to reimagine. Discover how our future-back approach to transformation planning can help you unlock new opportunities.