Effective tax structuring requires an understanding of tax issues arising from different business structures and transactions in the industry where the organization operates.

Ching Khee Tan

Partner, Tax Services, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP

Experienced in tax compliance, consulting and controversy. Passionate about lifelong learning.

Ching Khee provides tax compliance, consulting and controversy services to multinationals, government-linked companies and local corporations, including many from the life sciences, technology and consumer product sectors.

He advises businesses on Singapore tax issues relating to holding and operating structures. These cover diverse areas, such as amalgamations, financing considerations, intellectual property management and eligibility for tax incentives.

Ching Khee also assists companies in cross-border tax structuring, the negotiation of tax incentives and seeking tax rulings from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore.

From 2010 to 2012, he was with the Singapore tax desk at Ernst & Young LLP in New York providing tax-planning advice on cross-border expansion into Singapore.

Ching Khee is an Accredited Tax Advisor (Income tax), Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals Limited and a Chartered Accountant of Singapore, Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants. He holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (First Class Hons) from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

How Ching Khee is building a better working world

“With greater transparency from digitalization and information-sharing between tax authorities, the global tax environment has become more dynamic, interconnected and complex.

I help multinationals with operations in Singapore to understand and address the tax implications of expanding into different jurisdictions with their business agendas in mind. I also assist companies in tax structuring for changes in the business structure and various transactions. This helps them reduce their exposure to compliance risks and achieve tax efficiency.”

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