Sustaining Sustainability

Sustaining Sustainability

Discover how our clients are achieving their sustainability targets through ground-breaking innovation and cutting-edge technology. Tune in to gain insights into their future outlook on sustainability.

03 Episodes

Podcast Series


In this series

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Sustaining Sustainability: The ESG journey of Godrej Group

In the third episode of the series, Nitesh Mehrotra, Partner for Sustainability and ESG at EY India, talks with Gayatri Divecha, Head of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility at Godrej Group, one of India's leading business conglomerates. They discuss the challenges and interdependencies of sustainability across diverse sectors, such as consumer products and construction.
30m 29s


Nitesh Mehrotra

EY India Partner Sustainability and ESG

Sustaining Sustainability: Drones in sustainability

In the second episode of our Sustaining Sustainability podcast series, Arun Nagarajan, Partner, Digital Consulting, EY India, who also leads our Drone Center of Excellence, delves deep into ‘Drones in Sustainability’.
13m 38s


Arun Nagarajan

EY India Digital and Emerging Technologies Partner

Sustaining Sustainability: In conversation with Mastek on its ESG strategy and execution

In the first episode, Nitesh Mehrotra, Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) Partner at EY and podcast host speaks to Vimal Dangri of Mastek, a leading organization in enterprise-level digital engineering and cloud transformation business, on the company’s sustainability strategy and execution.
12m 04s


Nitesh Mehrotra

EY India Partner Sustainability and ESG