Data and decision intelligence

Organizations that understand data get ahead. To get even further, they enhance data with AI, driving innovation, creating long-term value and enabling fact-based decision intelligence. – a unifying platform

With, organizations get a partner that understands their business and can connect AI capabilities to drive transformation.

Our latest thinking

How digital transformation helped benefit fans and the bottom line

With help from EY, the professional sports franchise was able to turn big data into even bigger value.

Do you need a new digital path to reach the new digital customer?

Customers are changing faster than enterprises can track them. Organizations need to become more data-centric to catch up. Learn more.

Quantum computing 5 steps to take now

Quantum computing promises to transform the world. Organizations are moving now to harness quantum and assess its opportunities and risks. Learn more.

Why manufacturing equipment doesn’t need to be new to be smart

EY teams helped a global consumer products company accelerate its digital transformation journey using legacy technology. Learn more.

How can data stop homelessness before it starts?

Discover how data and analytics can be employed to help reduce homelessness rates.

How do you teach AI the value of trust?

The transformative potential of AI is high — but so are its risks. Can embedding trust from the start help your company reap AI’s rewards?

    The team

    Beatriz Sanz Sáiz

    EY Global Consulting Data and AI Leader
    Game-changer, thought leader in analytics and customer centricity. Named a Top Talent Executive Under 40 by AMROP, IESE and Royal House. Mom, film lover, champion for women in tech and the workforce.
    Madrid, ESP

    Dan Diasio

    EY Global Artificial Intelligence Consulting Leader
    Contributing to a positive, responsible future for our people and the next generation. Connector. Curious about the new and the old. Husband and Papa.
    New York, USA

    David Lindop

    EY Global Consulting Chief Data Officer
    Unlocking the power of data. Passionate about sustainability and ESG. Enjoys playing and listening to music, as well as spending time in nature. Scuba diver and martial arts enthusiast.
    London, GBR

    Raghavendra Rengaswamy

    EY Global Delivery Services Data & Analytics Leader
    Passionate about data and trivia. Golf aficionado and into travel and yoga. Digs the Rolling Stones, history, tech and is an economics enthusiast. Husband and father of two curious kids.
    Bengaluru, IND

    Andrew Lowe

    EY Global Technology Strategy and Transformation Leader
    A firm believer in curiosity driving sustainable thought leadership, innovation and change. Business-led technology-enabled transformation leader. Passionate about technology enabling the business.
    London, GBR

    Traci Gusher

    EY Americas Data and Analytics Leader
    Uses advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to bring value to clients’ challenging issues and opportunities. Experienced triathlete. Passionate about animal rescue and cancer research.
    Philadelphia, USA

    Cameron Wall

    EY Asia-Pacific Data & Analytics Managing Partner
    Deep knowledge in information technology. Passionate about turning information management vision to reality.
    Melbourne, AUS

    Thomas Erwin

    EY & EMEIA Data & Analytics Leader
    Works with clients across the world to define and execute their digital strategy. Knows how to create value from data. Father of two. Avid rock climber and boulderer. Vinyl record enthusiast.
    Mannheim, DEU